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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Change It Up

Are you doing the same things you've always done but are somehow hoping for different results? It's been said over and over again that you can't expect different results from doing the same thing. If you're looking for different results, look at some ways to change your activities.

Are you frustrated with your results, but keep doing the same thing, thinking that some day the flood gates will open and success will come rushing your way? It's been said again and again by experts in many fields that you won't get different results by doing the same thing.

Seems like common sense, right? Then why do we continue to do the same things we always do but somehow expect to eventually get different results? Often we think that if we keep plugging along and "paying our dues" that someday all our hard work will pay off and we will be rewarded for our efforts. In some cases, that may be true, but it is certainly the exception rather than the rule. If we want different results, we need to change the way we do things.

Although sometimes it may be necessary to completely revamp your entire approach, in most cases, you probably only need to change a tactic or two to start seeing better results. And if you change something small, and it makes things worse, it's fairly simple to revert back to the method that was at least partially working for you, and you can change something else.

Use common sense. Analyze your approach and have a clear vision of what you want your results to be. Where would changes make sense and not be counter-productive? Do you have an experienced mentor you could consult who may be able to lead you in the right direction? Do you have a client base that you could conduct market research with to determine what would make them want to buy your product? If all else fails, you can always consult trusted friends, associates or even family members to get a fresh viewpoint on the situation.

Often, we are so consumed in our own tasks that it is hard for us to be objective and we often miss obvious answers that lie right before our eyes. Unbiased outsiders, however, are at an advantage, and sometimes those who are completely unexperienced in a given field can provide the most advantageous insights, albeit unwittingly. You may be looking at your situation from such a technical perspective that it never occurred to you that a completely common sense solution is right there.

Don't be afraid to try something new. You may be astounded by your results, and even if you aren't, you'll become more adaptable to change and more prepared to change to meet demands in your marketplace. Your changes don't have to be permanent. You are in charge of your own actions and destiny, so you can continue to change until you achieve the results you desire.

Angela is a Life Coach, and publisher of Life Synergy Solutions - Lessons From a Life Coach, a website dedicated to helping people achieve total success in all areas of their lives. Visit her website for more great articles and info, or to inquire about a free initial coaching session, at


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